End-to-end Tests for Unicode Encoding

Test Function

The function testencoding is used as an end-to-end test for unicode encodings. It takes a given string, writes it to a python file, and processes that file's documentation. It then generates HTML output from the documentation, extracts all docstrings from the generated HTML output, and displays them. (In order to extract & display all docstrings, it monkey-patches the HMTLwriter.docstring_to_html() method.)

>>> from epydoc.test.util import testencoding
>>> from epydoc.test.util import print_warnings
>>> print_warnings()

Encoding Tests

This section tests the output for a variety of different encodings. Note that some encodings (such as cp424) are not supported, since the ascii coding directive would result in a syntax error in the new encoding.

Tests for several Microsoft codepges:

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: cp874 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x85"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8230;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x84 \x85 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8218; &#8222; &#8230; &#729;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: cp1251 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x81 \x82 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#1026; &#1027; &#8218; &#1103;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x83 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8218; &#402; &#255;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: cp1253 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x83 \xfe"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8218; &#402; &#974;</p>

Unicode tests:

>>> utf8_test ='''\
... """abc ABC 123
... 0x80-0x7ff range:
... \xc2\x80 \xc2\x81 \xdf\xbe \xdf\xbf
... 0x800-0xffff range:
... \xe0\xa0\x80 \xe0\xa0\x81 \xef\xbf\xbe \xef\xbf\xbf
... 0x10000-0x10ffff range:
... \xf0\x90\x80\x80 \xf0\x90\x80\x81
... \xf4\x8f\xbf\xbe \xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf
... """\n'''
>>> utf8_bom = '\xef\xbb\xbf'
>>> # UTF-8 with a coding directive:
>>> testencoding("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> # UTF-8 with a BOM & a coding directive:
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> # UTF-8 with a BOM & no coding directive:
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+utf8_test)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>

Tests for KOI8-R:

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x83 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#9472; &#9484; &#9488; &#1066;</p>

Tests for 'coding' directive on the second line:

>>> testencoding('''\n# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x83 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8218; &#402; &#255;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# comment on the first line.\n# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \x80 \x82 \x83 \xff"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#8364; &#8218; &#402; &#255;</p>
>>> testencoding("\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding("# comment\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>

Tests for shift-jis

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: shift_jis -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \xA1 \xA2 \xA3"""
... ''') # doctest: +PYTHON2.4
abc ABC 123 &#65377; &#65378; &#65379;

Str/Unicode Test

Make sure that we use the coding for both str and unicode docstrings.

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... """abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;</p>
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... u"""abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80"""
... ''')
<p>abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;</p>

Under special circumstances, we may not be able to tell what the proper encoding for a docstring is. This happens if:

  1. the docstring is only available via introspection.
  2. we are unable to determine what module the object that owns the docstring came from.
  3. the docstring contains non-ascii characters

Under these circumstances, we issue a warning, and treat the docstring as latin-1. An example of this is a non-unicode docstring for properties:

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... p=property(doc="""\xc2\x80""")
... ''') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<property object at ...>'s docstring is not a unicode string, but it contains non-ascii data -- treating it as latin-1.

Introspection/Parsing Tests

This section checks to make sure that both introspection & parsing are getting the right results.

>>> testencoding("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test, introspect=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test, introspect=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+utf8_test, introspect=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test, parse=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"+utf8_test, parse=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>
>>> testencoding(utf8_bom+utf8_test, parse=False)
<p>abc ABC 123</p>
<p>0x80-0x7ff range: &#128; &#129; &#2046; &#2047;</p>
<p>0x800-0xffff range: &#2048; &#2049; &#65534; &#65535;</p>
<p>0x10000-0x10ffff range: &#65536; &#65537; &#1114110; &#1114111;</p>

Context checks

Make sure that docstrings are rendered correctly in different contexts.

>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... """
... @var x: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
... @group \xc2\x80: x
... """
... ''')
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... def f(x):
...     """
...     abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @param x: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @type x: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @return: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @rtype: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @except X: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     """
... ''')
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
<p>abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;</p>
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
>>> testencoding('''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
... class A:
...     """
...     abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @ivar x: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @cvar y: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     @type x: abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80
...     """
...     z = property(doc=u"abc ABC 123 \xc2\x80 \xdf\xbf \xe0\xa0\x80")
... ''')
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
<p>abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;</p>
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;
abc ABC 123 &#128; &#2047; &#2048;