Package email :: Module iterators
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Module iterators

Various types of useful iterators and generators.

Functions [hide private]
Walk over the message tree, yielding each subpart.
body_line_iterator(msg, decode=False)
Iterate over the parts, returning string payloads line-by-line.
typed_subpart_iterator(msg, maintype='text', subtype=None)
Iterate over the subparts with a given MIME type.
_structure(msg, fp=None, level=0, include_default=False)
A handy debugging aid

Imports: sys, StringIO

Function Details [hide private]



Walk over the message tree, yielding each subpart.

The walk is performed in depth-first order. This method is a generator.

body_line_iterator(msg, decode=False)


Iterate over the parts, returning string payloads line-by-line.

Optional decode (default False) is passed through to .get_payload().

typed_subpart_iterator(msg, maintype='text', subtype=None)


Iterate over the subparts with a given MIME type.

Use `maintype' as the main MIME type to match against; this defaults to "text". Optional `subtype' is the MIME subtype to match against; if omitted, only the main type is matched.