Module optparse :: Class OptionParser
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_ClassType OptionParser

OptionContainer --+

Class attributes:
  standard_option_list : [Option]
    list of standard options that will be accepted by all instances
    of this parser class (intended to be overridden by subclasses).

Instance attributes:
  usage : string
    a usage string for your program.  Before it is displayed
    to the user, "%prog" will be expanded to the name of
    your program (self.prog or os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])).
  prog : string
    the name of the current program (to override
  epilog : string
    paragraph of help text to print after option help

  option_groups : [OptionGroup]
    list of option groups in this parser (option groups are
    irrelevant for parsing the command-line, but very useful
    for generating help)

  allow_interspersed_args : bool = true
    if true, positional arguments may be interspersed with options.
    Assuming -a and -b each take a single argument, the command-line
      -ablah foo bar -bboo baz
    will be interpreted the same as
      -ablah -bboo -- foo bar baz
    If this flag were false, that command line would be interpreted as
      -ablah -- foo bar -bboo baz
    -- ie. we stop processing options as soon as we see the first
    non-option argument.  (This is the tradition followed by
    Python's getopt module, Perl's Getopt::Std, and other argument-
    parsing libraries, but it is generally annoying to users.)

  process_default_values : bool = true
    if true, option default values are processed similarly to option
    values from the command line: that is, they are passed to the
    type-checking function for the option's type (as long as the
    default value is a string).  (This really only matters if you
    have defined custom types; see SF bug #955889.)  Set it to false
    to restore the behaviour of Optik 1.4.1 and earlier.

  rargs : [string]
    the argument list currently being parsed.  Only set when
    parse_args() is active, and continually trimmed down as
    we consume arguments.  Mainly there for the benefit of
    callback options.
  largs : [string]
    the list of leftover arguments that we have skipped while
    parsing options.  If allow_interspersed_args is false, this
    list is always empty.
  values : Values
    the set of option values currently being accumulated.  Only
    set when parse_args() is active.  Also mainly for callbacks.

Because of the 'rargs', 'largs', and 'values' attributes,
OptionParser is not thread-safe.  If, for some perverse reason, you
need to parse command-line arguments simultaneously in different
threads, use different OptionParser instances.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, usage=None, option_list=None, option_class=<class optparse.Option at 0x404fdc2c>, version=None, conflict_handler='error', description=None, formatter=None, add_help_option=True, prog=None, epilog=None)
Declare that you are done with this OptionParser.
_populate_option_list(self, option_list, add_help=True)
set_usage(self, usage)
set_process_default_values(self, process)
set_default(self, dest, value)
set_defaults(self, **kwargs)
add_option_group(self, *args, **kwargs)
get_option_group(self, opt_str)
_get_args(self, args)
parse_args(self, args=None, values=None)
parse_args(args : [string] = sys.argv[1:], values : Values = None) -> (values : Values, args : [string])
check_values(self, values, args)
check_values(values : Values, args : [string]) -> (values : Values, args : [string])
_process_args(self, largs, rargs, values)
_process_args(largs : [string], rargs : [string], values : Values)
_match_long_opt(self, opt)
_match_long_opt(opt : string) -> string
_process_long_opt(self, rargs, values)
_process_short_opts(self, rargs, values)
expand_prog_name(self, s)
exit(self, status=0, msg=None)
error(self, msg)
error(msg : string)
print_usage(self, file=None)
print_usage(file : file = stdout)
print_version(self, file=None)
print_version(file : file = stdout)
format_option_help(self, formatter=None)
format_epilog(self, formatter)
format_help(self, formatter=None)
_get_encoding(self, file)
print_help(self, file=None)
print_help(file : file = stdout)

Inherited from OptionContainer: add_option, add_options, format_description, get_option, has_option, remove_option, set_conflict_handler, set_description

Class Variables [hide private]
  standard_option_list = []
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, usage=None, option_list=None, option_class=<class optparse.Option at 0x404fdc2c>, version=None, conflict_handler='error', description=None, formatter=None, add_help_option=True, prog=None, epilog=None)

Overrides: OptionContainer.__init__



Declare that you are done with this OptionParser. This cleans up reference cycles so the OptionParser (and all objects referenced by it) can be garbage-collected promptly. After calling destroy(), the OptionParser is unusable.

Overrides: OptionContainer.destroy

parse_args(self, args=None, values=None)


parse_args(args : [string] = sys.argv[1:],
           values : Values = None)
-> (values : Values, args : [string])

Parse the command-line options found in 'args' (default:
sys.argv[1:]).  Any errors result in a call to 'error()', which
by default prints the usage message to stderr and calls
sys.exit() with an error message.  On success returns a pair
(values, args) where 'values' is an Values instance (with all
your option values) and 'args' is the list of arguments left
over after parsing options.

check_values(self, values, args)


check_values(values : Values, args : [string]) -> (values : Values, args : [string])

Check that the supplied option values and leftover arguments are valid. Returns the option values and leftover arguments (possibly adjusted, possibly completely new -- whatever you like). Default implementation just returns the passed-in values; subclasses may override as desired.

_process_args(self, largs, rargs, values)

_process_args(largs : [string],
                 rargs : [string],
                 values : Values)

Process command-line arguments and populate 'values', consuming
options and arguments from 'rargs'.  If 'allow_interspersed_args' is
false, stop at the first non-option argument.  If true, accumulate any
interspersed non-option arguments in 'largs'.

_match_long_opt(self, opt)


_match_long_opt(opt : string) -> string

Determine which long option string 'opt' matches, ie. which one it is an unambiguous abbrevation for. Raises BadOptionError if 'opt' doesn't unambiguously match any long option string.


Overrides: OptionContainer.get_description

error(self, msg)


error(msg : string)

Print a usage message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit. If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it should either exit or raise an exception.

print_usage(self, file=None)


print_usage(file : file = stdout)

Print the usage message for the current program (self.usage) to 'file' (default stdout). Any occurence of the string "%prog" in self.usage is replaced with the name of the current program (basename of sys.argv[0]). Does nothing if self.usage is empty or not defined.

print_version(self, file=None)


print_version(file : file = stdout)

Print the version message for this program (self.version) to 'file' (default stdout). As with print_usage(), any occurence of "%prog" in self.version is replaced by the current program's name. Does nothing if self.version is empty or undefined.

format_option_help(self, formatter=None)

Overrides: OptionContainer.format_option_help

format_help(self, formatter=None)

Overrides: OptionContainer.format_help

print_help(self, file=None)


print_help(file : file = stdout)

Print an extended help message, listing all options and any help text provided with them, to 'file' (default stdout).