Package epydoc :: Module apidoc :: Class ModuleDoc
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

type ModuleDoc

source code

API documentation information about a single module.

Instance Methods [hide private]
apidoc_links(self, **filters)
Return a list of all APIDocs that are directly linked from this APIDoc (i.e., are contained or pointed to by one or more of this APIDoc's attributes.)
source code
call graph 
Initialize the submodule_groups attribute, based on the submodules and group_specs attributes.
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call graph 
select_variables(self, group=None, value_type=None, public=None, imported=None, detailed=None)
Return a specified subset of this module's sorted_variables list.
source code
call graph 

Inherited from NamespaceDoc: __init__, group_names, init_sorted_variables, init_variable_groups, is_detailed, report_unused_groups

Inherited from NamespaceDoc (private): _init_grouping

Inherited from ValueDoc: __getstate__, __repr__, __setstate__

Inherited from APIDoc: __cmp__, __hash__, __setattr__, __str__, merge_and_overwrite, pp, specialize_to

Inherited from APIDoc (private): _debug_setattr

    Value Representation

Inherited from ValueDoc: pyval_repr, summary_pyval_repr

Class Variables [hide private]
    Value Representation


Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ValueDoc: canonical_name, toktree

    Information about the Module
string filename = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The name of the file that defines the module.
string docformat = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The markup language used by docstrings in this module.
    Information about Submodules
list of ModuleDoc submodules = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
Modules contained by this module (if this module is a package).
dict from str to list of ModuleDoc submodule_groups = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A dictionary specifying what group each submodule belongs to.
    Information about Packages
ModuleDoc package = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
API documentation for the module's containing package.
bool is_package = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
True if this ModuleDoc describes a package.
list of str path = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
If this ModuleDoc describes a package, then path contains a list of directories that constitute its path (i.e., the value of its __path__ variable).
    Information about Imported Variables
list of DottedName imports = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A list of the source names of variables imported into this module.

Inherited from ValueDoc: proxy_for

    Information about Variables

Inherited from NamespaceDoc: group_specs, sort_spec, sorted_variables, variable_groups, variables

    Value Representation

Inherited from ValueDoc: parse_repr, pyval


Inherited from ValueDoc: defining_module


Inherited from APIDoc: docstring, docstring_lineno

    Information Extracted from Docstrings

Inherited from APIDoc: descr, extra_docstring_fields, metadata, other_docs, summary

    Source Information

Inherited from APIDoc: docs_extracted_by

Method Details [hide private]

apidoc_links(self, **filters)

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call graph 

Return a list of all APIDocs that are directly linked from this APIDoc (i.e., are contained or pointed to by one or more of this APIDoc's attributes.)

Keyword argument filters can be used to selectively exclude certain categories of attribute value. For example, using includes=False will exclude variables that were imported from other modules; and subclasses=False will exclude subclasses. The filter categories currently supported by epydoc are:

  • imports: Imported variables.
  • packages: Containing packages for modules.
  • submodules: Contained submodules for packages.
  • bases: Bases for classes.
  • subclasses: Subclasses for classes.
  • variables: All variables.
  • private: Private variables.
  • overrides: Points from class variables to the variables they override. This filter is False by default.
Overrides: APIDoc.apidoc_links
(inherited documentation)

select_variables(self, group=None, value_type=None, public=None, imported=None, detailed=None)

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call graph 

Return a specified subset of this module's sorted_variables list. If value_type is given, then only return variables whose values have the specified type. If group is given, then only return variables that belong to the specified group.

  • value_type (string) - A string specifying the value type for which variables should be returned. Valid values are:
    • 'class' - variables whose values are classes or types.
    • 'function' - variables whose values are functions.
    • 'other' - variables whose values are not classes, exceptions, types, or functions.
  • group (string) - The name of the group for which variables should be returned. A complete list of the groups defined by this ModuleDoc is available in the group_names instance variable. The first element of this list is always the special group name '', which is used for variables that do not belong to any group.
  • detailed (bool) - If True (False), return only the variables deserving (not deserving) a detailed informative box. If None, don't care.

Requires: The sorted_variables, variable_groups, and submodule_groups attributes must be initialized before this method can be used. See init_sorted_variables(), init_variable_groups(), and init_submodule_groups().

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Modules contained by this module (if this module is a package). (Note: on rare occasions, a module may have a submodule that is shadowed by a variable with the same name.)
list of ModuleDoc


A dictionary specifying what group each submodule belongs to. The keys of the dictionary are group names, and the values are lists of ModuleDocs. The order that groups should be listed in should be taken from group_specs.
dict from str to list of ModuleDoc


A list of the source names of variables imported into this module. This is used to construct import graphs.
list of DottedName