A string that is added to the beginning of the strings returned by colorize_codeblock and colorize_doctest.
A string that is added to the end of the strings returned by colorize_codeblock and colorize_doctest.
NEWLINE = ' \n '
The string used to divide lines
_KEYWORDS = [ ' and ' , ' del ' , ' for ' , ' is ' , ' raiseassert ' , ' elif ' , ...
A list of the names of all Python keywords.
_BUILTINS = [ ' clear ' , ' copy ' , ' fromkeys ' , ' get ' , ' has_key ' , ' i ...
A list of all Python builtins.
_KEYWORD_GRP = ' \\band\\b|\\bdel\\b|\\bfor\\b|\\bis\\b|\\brais ...
A regexp group that matches keywords.
_BUILTIN_GRP = ' (?<!\\.)(?:\\bclear\\b|\\bcopy\\b|\\bfromkeys\ ...
A regexp group that matches Python builtins.
_STRING_GRP = ' ("""("""|.*?((?!").)"""))|("("|.*?((?!").)"))|( ...
A regexp group that matches Python strings.
_COMMENT_GRP = ' (#.*?$) '
A regexp group that matches Python comments.
_PROMPT1_GRP = ' ^[ \\t]*>>>(?:[ \\t]|$) '
A regexp group that matches Python ">>>" prompts.
_PROMPT2_GRP = ' ^[ \\t]*\\.\\.\\.(?:[ \\t]|$) '
A regexp group that matches Python "..." prompts.
_DEFINE_GRP = ' \\b(?:def|class)[ \\t]+\\w+ '
A regexp group that matches function and class definitions.
PROMPT_RE = re.compile(r'(?ms) ( ^[ \t] * >>>(?: [ \t] | $) | [ \t] * \.\...
A regexp that matches Python prompts
PROMPT2_RE = re.compile(r'(?ms) ( ^[ \t] * \.\.\.(?: [ \t] | $) ) ')
A regexp that matches Python "..." prompts.
EXCEPT_RE = re.compile(r'(?ms) ^[ \t] * Traceback \(most recent c...
A regexp that matches doctest exception blocks.
DOCTEST_DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile(r'#[ \t] * doctest:.* ')
A regexp that matches doctest directives.
DOCTEST_RE = re.compile(r'(?ms) ( .*? ) ( (?P< STRING > ( """( """| .*? ( ( ...
A regexp that matches all of the regions of a doctest block that
should be colored.
DOCTEST_EXAMPLE_RE = re.compile(r'(?mx) (?P< source > (?: ^(?P< inde ...
This regular expression is used to find doctest examples in a string.
_BI = ' values '
_KW = ' as '