% epydoc-base.sty
% Authors: Jonathan Guyer <guyer@nist.gov>
% Edward Loper <edloper@seas.upenn.edu>
% URL: <http://epydoc.sf.net>
% This LaTeX stylesheet defines the basic commands that are used by
% epydoc's latex writer (epydoc.docwriter.latex). For more
% information, see the epydoc webpage. This stylesheet accepts the
% following options:
% - index: Include an index of defined objects.
% - hyperlink: Create hyperlinks with the hyperref package.
% $Id:$
{epydoc-base}[2008/02/26 v3.0.1 Epydoc Python Documentation]% ======================================================================
% Options
% These two packages are used to process options:
{xkeyval}% Define an option 'index' that sets the boolean value \@doIndex
doIndextrue}% Define an option 'hyperlink' that sets the boolean value \@docHyperlink
doHyperlinktrue}% Pass the 'title' & 'creator' options to the hyperref package.
{pdfcreator={#1}}{hyperref}}% Process the options list.
% ======================================================================
% Package Requirements
{alltt, boxedminipage}\RequirePackage
{multirow, amssymb}\RequirePackage
[other,notbib]{tocbibind} }{%
{fancy} }\if
, pagebackref, bookmarks=true, bookmarksopen=false, pdfpagemode=UseOutlines, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black, anchorcolor=black, citecolor=black, filecolor=black, menucolor=black, pagecolor=black, urlcolor=UrlColor] {hyperref}% ======================================================================
% General Formatting
% Setting this will make us less likely to get overfull hboxes:
% Separate paragraphs by a blank line (do not indent them). We define
% a new length variable. \EpydocParskip, for the paragraph-skip length.
% This needs to be assigned to \parskip here as well as inside several
% environments that reset \parskip (such as minipages).
}{0ex}% Fix the heading position -- without this, the headings generated
% by the fancyheadings package sometimes overlap the text.
}% Display the section & subsection names in a header.
{#1}}% Create a 'base class' length named EpydocBCL for use in base trees.
}% base class length, for base trees.
% In xkeyval arguments, we're not allowed to use \par. But we *are*
% allowed to use a command that evaluates to \par, so define such a
% command.
}% ======================================================================
% Sections inside docstring
% The following commands are used to mark section headers within
% docstrings.
#1 }\par
#1 }\par
#1 }\par
{1.0ex}}% ======================================================================
% Hyperlinks & Crossreferences
% The \EpydocHypertarget command is used to mark targets that hyperlinks
% may point to. It takes two arguments: a target label, and text
% contents. (In some cases, the text contents will be empty.) Target
% labels are formed by replacing '.'s in the name with ':'s. The
% default stylesheet creates a \label for the target label, and displays
% the text.
{#1}#2}% The \EpydocHyperlink command is used to create a link to a given target.
% It takes two arguments: a target label, and text contents. The
% default stylesheet just displays the text contents.
}[2]{#2}% The \CrossRef command creates a cross-reference to a given target,
% including a pageref. It takes one argument, a target label.
{#1}, p.~\pageref
{#1})}}% If the [hyperlink] option is turned on, then enable hyperlinking.
% ======================================================================
% Index Terms
% The \EpydocIndex command is used to mark items that should be included
% in the index. It takes three arguments. The first argument is the
% item's case-normalized name; this is typically discarded, and is
% simply used to ensure the proper (i.e., case-insensitive) sort order
% in the index. The second argument is the item's name; and the
% third item is the item's "kind". "kind" can be Package, Script, Module,
% Class, Class Method, Static Method, Method, Function, or Variable.
% This command is used inside of the \index{...} command.
{(#3)}}}% ======================================================================
% Descriptions (docstring contents)
% All rendered markup derived from a docstring is wrapped in this
% environment. By default, it simply sets the \parskip length
% to \EpydocParskip (in case an enclosing environment had reset
% it to its default value).
}% This environment is used to mark the description for a class
% (which comes from the function's docstring).
}% This environment is used to mark the description for a module
% (which comes from the function's docstring).
}% ======================================================================
% Python Source Code Syntax Highlighting.
% Color constants.
{py@inputcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}% Syntax Highlighting Commands
{#1}}}% ======================================================================
% Grouping
% This command is used to display group headers for objects that are in
% the same group (as specified by the epydoc @group field). It is used
% within the Epydoc*List environments. The definition provided here is
% the default definition, but several of the Epydoc*List environments
% use \renewcommand to provide definitions that are appropriate for the
% style of that environment.
}% ======================================================================
% Inheritance
% This command is used to display a list of objects that were inherited
% from a base class. It expects two arguments: the base class name,
% and the list of inherited objects. The definition provided here is
% the default definition, but several of the Epydoc*List environments
% use \renewcommand to provide definitions that are appropriate for the
% style of that environment.
{Inherited from {#1}:} #2\par
}% ======================================================================
% Submodule List
% This list environment is used to list the submodules that are defined
% by a module. Nested submodules are displayed using nested
% EpydocModuleList environments. If the modules are divided into
% groups (with the epydoc @group field), then groups are displayed
% using the \EpydocGroup command.
{itemize}}% Usage: \EpydocModule{name={...}, summary={...}, crossref={...}}
@module@crossref}}}% ======================================================================
% Class List
% These environments are *only* used if the --list-classes-separately
% option is used.
% This list environment is used to list the classes that are defined
% by a module.
{itemize}}% Usage: \EpydocClass{name={...}, summary={...}, crossref={...}}
@class@crossref}}}% ======================================================================
% Function Lists
% The EpydocFunctionList environment is used to describe functions
% and methods. It contains one \EpydocFunction command for each
% function or method. This command takes eight required arguments:
% - The function's signature: an EpydocFunctionSignature environment
% specifying the signature for the function.
% - The function's description (from the docstring)
% - The function's parameters: An EpydocFunctionParameters list
% environment providing descriptions of the function's parameters.
% (from the epydoc @param, @arg, @kwarg, @vararg, @type fields)
% - The function's return description (from the epydoc @rerturns field)
% - The function's return type (from the epydoc @rtype field)
% - The function's exceptions: An EpydocFunctionRaises list
% environment describing exceptions that the function may raise
% (from the epydoc @raises field)
% - The function's override: An EpydocFunctionOverrides command
% describing the method that this function overrides (if any)
% - The function's metadata: Zero or more EpydocMetadata*
% commands/environments, taken from metadata fields (eg @author)
% All arguments except for the first (the signature) may be empty.
@cmdkeys[Epydoc]{function}{signature,description,parameters, returndescr,returntype,raises, overrides,metadata}\newenvironment
{Return Type:}\cmdEpydoc
}}} {}% The EpydocFunctionSignature environment is used to display a
% function's signature. It expects one argument, the function's
% name. The body of the environment contains the parameter list.
% The following commands are used in the parameter list, to mark
% individual parameters:
% - \Param: Takes one required argument (the parameter name) and
% one optional argument (the defaultt value).
% - \VarArg: Takes one argument (the varargs parameter name)
% - \KWArg: Takes one argument (the keyword parameter name)
% - \GenericArg: Takes no arguments (this is used for '...', e.g.
% when the signature is unknown).
% - \TupleArg: Used inside of the \Param command, to mark
% argument tuples. Individual elements of the argument tuple
% are separated by the \and command.
% Parameters are separated by the \and command.
}{, }%
}{)}% The EpydocFunctionParameters environment is used to display
% descriptions for the parameters that a function can take.
% (From epydoc fields: @param, @arg, @kwarg, @vararg, @type)
{quote} }% This environment is used to display descriptions of exceptions
% that can be raised by a function. (From epydoc field: @raise)
} {\end
{quote} }% This environment is used when a method overrides a base class
% method, to display the name of the overridden method.
{Overrides:} #2%
{(inherited documentation)}{}}\par
}% ======================================================================
% Variable Lists
% There are three separate variable list environments:
% - EpydocVariableList............ for a module's variables
% - EpydocInstanceVariableList.... for a class's instance variables
% - EpydocClassVariableList....... for a class's class variables
% The EpydocVariableList environment is used to describe module
% variables. It contains one \EpydocVariable command for each
% variable. This command takes four required arguments:
% - The variable's name
% - The variable's description (from the docstring)
% - The variable's type (from the epydoc @type field)
% - The variable's value
% If any of these arguments is not available, then the empty
% string will be used.
}}} {}% The EpydocClassVariableList environment is used the same way as
% the EpydocVariableList environment (shown above).
{EpydocVariableList}} {\end
{EpydocVariableList}}% The EpydocClassVariableList environment is used the same way as
% the EpydocVariableList environment (shown above).
{EpydocVariableList}} {\end
{EpydocVariableList}}% ======================================================================
% Property Lists
% The EpydocPropertyList environment is used to describe class
% properties. It contains one \EpydocProperty command for each
% property. This command takes six required arguments:
% - The property's name
% - The property's description (from the docstring)
% - The property's type (from the epydoc @type field)
% - The property's fget function
% - The property's fset function
% - The property's fdel function
% If any of these arguments is not available, then the empty
% string will be used.
@cmdkeys[Epydoc]{property}{name,description,type,fget, fset,fdel,metadata}\newenvironment
}}} {}% ======================================================================
% Metadata
% This command is used to display a metadata field with a single value
{#1:} #2\end
}% This environment is used to display a metadata field with multiple
% values when the field declares that short=True; i.e., that multiple
% values should be combined into a single comma-delimited list.
}{, }%
} {\end
}% This list environment is used to display a metadata field with
% multiple values when the field declares that short=False; i.e., that
% multiple values should be listed separately in a bulleted list.
} {\end
}% ======================================================================
% reStructuredText Admonitions
% This environment is used to display reStructuredText admonitions,
% such as ``..warning::'' and ``..note::''.
{center}}% ======================================================================
% Name Formatting
% This section defines the EpydocDottedName command, which is used to
% display the names of Python objects.
% The \EpydocDottedName command adds a possible break-point after every
% period in the given string. It no longer escapes characters such as
% underscore, since this interfered with the hyperref package; instead,
% epydoc is responsible for escaping them. E.g., correct usage for a
% name with an underscore is \EpydocDottedName{some\_name}.
@DottedName #1.@}% This helper function performs the work of \EpydocDottedName. It
% scans forward, looking for a period, and putting all text up to the
% period into #1. The single character after the period is put in
% #2. This function then checks if #2 is '@', indicating that we're
% done, or some other character, indicating that we should continue.
% Note that \ifx tests character codes; and that when '@' appears
% in user code, it gets the character code 'other', but when it
% appears here, it gets the character code 'letter'.
}% This style file is a derivative work, based on a public domain style
% file that was originally developed at the National Institute of
% Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the
% course of their official duties. NIST assumes no responsibility
% whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees,
% expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other
% characteristic.
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