Installing Epydoc


  1. Downloading Epydoc
  2. Getting Epydoc from Subversion
  3. Installing from the RPM File
  4. Installing from the Windows Installer
  5. Installing from the Source Distribution
  6. Installing from the Source Distribution (without make)
  7. Installing on Debian

Downloading Epydoc

Epydoc can be downloaded from the SourceForge download page. Epydoc is available in five formats:

If you are installing on RedHat, I recommend that you use the RPM file. If you are installing on Windows, I recommended that you use the windows installer. Otherwise, you should use one of the source install files.

Getting Epydoc from Subversion

If you wish to keep up on the latest developments, you can get the latest version of epydoc from the subversion repository:

[/home/edloper]$ svn co epydoc
[/home/edloper]$ ls epydoc
Makefile  doc  man  sandbox  src

This will create a directory named epydoc containing the latest version of epydoc. The epydoc package itself is in epydoc/src/epydoc (so adding epydoc/src to your PYTHONPATH will let you use it). You should periodically update your copy of the subversion repository, to make sure you have all the latest changes:

[/home/edloper/epydoc]$ svn up

You can browse the subversion repository here.

Installing from the RPM File

  1. Download the RPM file to a directory of your choice.
  2. Use rpm to install the new package.
    [/tmp]$ su
    [/tmp]# rpm -i epydoc-3.0.1.noarch.rpm
  3. Once epydoc is installed, you can delete the RPM file.
    [/tmp]# rm epydoc-3.0.1.rpm

Installing from the Windows Installer

  1. Download and run epydoc-3.0.1.win32.exe.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions. Epydoc will be installed in the epydoc subdirectory of your Python installation directory (typically C:\Python23\).
  3. The windows installer creates two scripts in the Scripts subdirectory of your Python installation directory: epydoc.pyw opens the graphical user interface, and calls the command line interface. If you'd like, you can create shortcuts from these scripts to more convenient locations (such as your desktop or start menu).
  4. Once epydoc is installed, you can delete epydoc-3.0.1.win32.exe.

Installing from the Source Distribution (using make)

  1. Download an epydoc source distribution to a directory of your choice, and uncompress it.
    [/tmp]$ wget -q
    [/tmp]$ gunzip epydoc-3.0.1.tar.gz
    [/tmp]$ tar -xvf epydoc-3.0.1.tar
  2. Use "make install" in the eydoc-3.0.1/ directory to install epydoc.
    [/tmp]$ cd epydoc-3.0.1/
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]$ su
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]# make install
    running install
    running build
    copying build/scripts/epydoc -> /usr/bin
    changing mode of /usr/bin/epydoc to 100775
  3. If you'd like to keep a local copy of the documentation, then use "make installdocs". By default, this will install the documentation to /usr/share/doc/ and the man pages to /usr/share/man/. If you would prefer to install documentation to different directories (such as /usr/lib/doc), then edit the MAN and DOC variables at the top of Makefile before running "make installdocs".
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]# make installdocs
  4. Once epydoc is installed, you can delete the installation directory and the source distribution file.
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]# cd ..
    [/tmp]# rm -r epydoc-3.0.1
    [/tmp]# rm epydoc-3.0.1.tar

Installing from the Source Distribution (without make)

  1. Download an epydoc source distribution to a directory of your choice, and uncompress it.
    [/tmp]$ wget -q
    [/tmp]$ gunzip epydoc-3.0.1.tar.gz
    [/tmp]$ tar -xvf epydoc-3.0.1.tar
  2. Use the script in the eydoc-3.0.1/ directory to install epydoc.
    [/tmp]$ cd epydoc-3.0.1/
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]$ su
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]# python install
    running install
    running build
    copying build/scripts/epydoc -> /usr/bin
    changing mode of /usr/bin/epydoc to 100775
    [/tmp/epydoc-3.0.1]# cd ..
  3. If you'd like to keep a local copy of the documentation, then copy it to a permanant location, such as /usr/share/doc/. You may also want to copy the man pages to a permanant location, such as /usr/share/man/.
    [/tmp]# cp -r epydoc-3.0.1/doc/ /usr/share/doc/epydoc/
    [/tmp]# cp epydoc-3.0.1/man/* /usr/share/man/
  4. Once epydoc is installed, you can delete the installation directory and the source distribution file.
    [/tmp]# rm -r epydoc-3.0.1
    [/tmp]# rm epydoc-3.0.1.tar

Installing on Debian

Epydoc 2.1 is available as a testing debian package (python-epydoc). The epydoc documentation is also available as a package (epydoc-doc).