LaTeX Style File: epydoc-default.sty

% epydoc-boxes.sty
% Authors: Jonathan Guyer <>
%          Edward Loper <>
% URL: <>
% This LaTeX stylesheet (nearly) replicates the LaTeX output style
% generated by epydoc 3.0.  Function lists are displayed using
% a boxedminipage for each function.  Variable and Property lists
% are displayed using a longtable, with a row for each object.
% $Id:$
\ProvidesClass{epydoc-boxes}[2008/02/26 v3.0.1 Epydoc Python Documentation]
% Pass options to the epydoc base package.
% Load the base epydoc package

% Use longtable for variable & property lists.

% Double the standard size boxedminipage outlines.

% Set the width of the variable name cells in the variable & property
% tables.

% ======================================================================
% Function Lists

% Put the function inside a boxedminipage.  Use a horizontal rule to
% separate the signature from the description elements.  Implementation
% note: the \@EpydocSeparator command adds a horizontal rule the first
% time it is called, and does nothing when called after that.
       \rule{\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}{0.5\fboxrule}
        \begin{boxedminipage}{\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}
                    \par\textbf{Return Value}%
                \par\textbf{Return Value}%

% ======================================================================
% Multi-Page List (used to define EpydocVariableList etc)

% [xx] \textwidth is not the right size for the multicolumn..

% Define a base environment that we will use to put variable &
% property lists in a longtable.  This environment sets up the
% longtable environment, and redefines the \EpydocGroup and
% \EpydocInheritanceList commands to add a row to the table.
        \multicolumn{2}{@{\vrule width \fboxrule \hspace \tabcolsep}l
                        @{\hspace \tabcolsep \vrule width \fboxrule}}
            {\textbf{\textit{##1}}} \\
        \multicolumn{2}{@{\vrule width \fboxrule \hspace \tabcolsep}
                        p{\dimexpr \textwidth -4\tabcolsep-7pt}
                        @{\hspace \tabcolsep \vrule width \fboxrule}}
            {\raggedright\textbf{Inherited from {##1}:\\##2}} \\
    \begin{longtable}[l]{@{\vrule width \fboxrule \hspace \tabcolsep}
                         p{\dimexpr \textwidth%
                         @{\hspace \tabcolsep \vrule width \fboxrule}}
    % Set up the headers & footer (this makes the table span
    % multiple pages in a happy way).
    \hline \hline \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip} 
    \centering \Large \textbf{Name} &
    \centering \Large \textbf{Description} 
    \hline \hline 
        \small\textit{continued on next page}}\\\endfoot%

% ======================================================================
% Variable Lists

        \raggedright\cmdEpydoc@variable@name &%
            \textbf{Value:} \texttt{\cmdEpydoc@variable@value}}%
                \@ifundefined{cmdEpydoc@variable@value}{}{ }}{ }%

% By default, EpydocClassVariableList & EpydocInstanceVariableList are 
% just aliases for EpydocVaribleList.

% ======================================================================
% Property Lists

% Implementation node: \@EpydocSeparator evaluates to nothing on
% the first use, and to a paragraph break on subsequent uses.
        \raggedright\cmdEpydoc@property@name & %
            \textbf{Type:} \cmdEpydoc@property@type\relax}%
            \textbf{Get:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fget\relax}%
            \textbf{Set:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fset\relax}%
            \textbf{Delete:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fdel\relax}%

% This style file is a derivative work, based on a public domain style
% file that was originally developed at the National Institute of
% Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the
% course of their official duties.  NIST assumes no responsibility
% whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees,
% expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other
% characteristic.