LaTeX Style File: epydoc-shaded.sty

% epydoc-shaded.sty
% Author: Edward Loper <>
% URL: <>
% This LaTeX stylesheet for epydoc's output uses shaded boxes to
% display the function, variable, and property lists.  Each
% object's name (or signature) is displayed in a lightly shaded
% box, and is immediately followed by a shaded and indented box 
% containing a description of that object:
%         +-------------------------------------------+
%         | object's name                             |
%         +-------------------------------------------+
%             | description of the object             |
%             | ...                                   |
%             +---------------------------------------+
% $Id:$
\ProvidesClass{epydoc-shaded}[2008/02/26 v3.0.1 Epydoc Python Documentation]
% Pass options to the epydoc base package.
% Load the base epydoc package

% ======================================================================
% Customization hooks

% These colors 

% This length controls how tightly function, variable, and property
% entries are spaced.

% This length is used to dedent the section headings.

% ======================================================================
% Colored minipage

% adapted from <> for colored 
% paragraph boxes

% ======================================================================
% Redefinitions

    % Decide whether to include a 'details' block
    % Add some vertical space.
    % Put a box around the whole thing, so the signature line and the
    % body don't get split across pages.
      % Add the function signature in a gray95 box.
                       {\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}
      % Add the details in a gray90 box.
                         {\dimexpr 0.95\linewidth-2\fboxsep}%
                  \par\textbf{Return Value}%
              \par\textbf{Return Value}%

    % Decide whether to include a 'details' block
    % Put a box around the whole thing, so the variable's name line 
    % and the body don't get split across pages.
      % Add the variable name in a gray95 box.
                       {\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}
        \Large \bfseries \cmdEpydoc@variable@name%
      % Add the details in a gray90 box.
                         {\dimexpr 0.95\linewidth-2\fboxsep}%
              \par\textbf{Type:} \texttt{\cmdEpydoc@variable@type}}%
            \par Value:
                             {\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep-\EpydocValueWidth}

    % Decide whether to include a 'details' block
    % Put a box around the whole thing, so the property's name line 
    % and the body don't get split across pages.
      % Add the variable name in a gray95 box.
                       {\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}
        \Large \bfseries \cmdEpydoc@property@name%
      % Add the details in a gray90 box.
                         {\dimexpr 0.95\linewidth-2\fboxsep}
              \par\textbf{Type:} \cmdEpydoc@property@type}%
              \par\textbf{Get:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fget}%
              \par\textbf{Set:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fset}%
              \par\textbf{Delete:} \cmdEpydoc@property@fdel}%

                   {\dimexpr \linewidth-2\fboxsep}
    {\Large\bf\center #1\\}
                   {\dimexpr \textwidth-2\fboxsep}
  Inherited from {#1}: #2%

% This is just like the default definitions, except that we use
% \raggedright, and dedent by \EpydocSectionHeaderDedent
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}%
              {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
              {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
              {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
              {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
              {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
              {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%