Home | Trees | Indices | Help |
1. Interface Methods | |||
2.1. Module Pages | |||
2.??. Source Code Pages | |||
2.2. Class Pages | |||
2.3. Trees pages | |||
2.4. Index pages | |||
2.5. Help Page | |||
2.6. Frames-based Table of Contents | |||
2.7. Project homepage (index.html) | |||
2.8. Stylesheet (epydoc.css) | |||
2.9. Javascript (epydoc.js) | |||
2.10. Graphs | |||
2.11. Images | |||
3.1. Page Header | |||
3.2. Page Footer | |||
3.3. Navigation Bar | |||
3.4. Breadcrumbs | |||
3.5. Summary Tables | |||
3.6. Details Lists | |||
Base Tree | |||
Function Signatures | |||
Import Lists | |||
Module Trees | |||
Class trees | |||
Standard Fields | |||
Index generation | |||
Redirect page | |||
URLs list | |||
Helper functions | |||
2.4. Index pages | |||
SPLIT_IDENT_INDEX_SIZE = 3000 If the identifier index has more than this number of entries, then it will be split into separate pages, one for each alphabetical section. |
The alphabetical sections that are used for link index pages. |
2.9. Javascript (epydoc.js) | |||
A javascript that is used to show or hide the API documentation for private objects. |
A javascript that is used to read the value of a cookie. |
A javascript that is used to set the contents of two frames at once. |
A javascript that is used to hide private variables, unless either: (a) the cookie says not to; or (b) we appear to be linking to a private variable. |
A javascript that is used to implement the auto-redirect page. |
2.10. Graphs | |||
RE_CALLGRAPH_ID = re.compile(r'
2.11. Images | |||
3.6. Details Lists | |||
Index generation | |||
A list of metadata indices that should be generated. |
Helper functions | |||
_url_cache =
_show_private Should private docs be included? |
_prj_name The project's name (for the project link in the navbar) |
_prj_url URL for the project link in the navbar |
_prj_link HTML code for the project link in the navbar |
_top_page The 'main' page |
_css CSS stylesheet to use |
_helpfile Filename of file to extract help contents from |
_frames_index Should a frames index be created? |
_show_imports Should imports be listed? |
_propfunc_linelen [XXX] Not used! |
_variable_maxlines Max lines for variable values |
_variable_linelen Max line length for variable values |
_variable_summary_linelen Max length for variable value summaries |
_variable_tooltip_linelen Max length for variable tooltips |
_inheritance How should inheritance be displayed? 'listed', 'included', or 'grouped' |
_incl_sourcecode Should pages be generated for source code of modules? |
_mark_docstrings Wrap <span class='docstring'>...</span> around docstrings? |
_graph_types Graphs that we should include in our output. |
_include_log Are we generating an HTML log page? |
_include_timestamp Include a timestamp on the generated docs? |
_src_code_tab_width Number of spaces to replace each tab with in source code listings. |
_callgraph_cache Map the callgraph uid to their HTML representation. |
_redundant_details If true, then include objects in the details list even if all info about them is already provided by the summary table. |
_show_submodule_list If true, the include a list of submodules on the package documentation page. |
_google_analytics A tracker code for google analytics; or None |
module_list The list of ModuleDocs for the documented modules. |
module_set The set of ModuleDocs for the documented modules. |
class_list The list of ClassDocs for the documented classes. |
class_set The set of ClassDocs for the documented classes. |
routine_list The list of RoutineDocs for the documented routines. |
indexed_docs The list of APIDocs for variables and values that should be included in the index. |
Construct a new HTML writer, using the given documentation index.
Find the top page for the API documentation. This page is used as the
default page shown in the main frame, when frames are used. When frames
are not used, this page is copied to
Write the documentation to the given directory.
Write an HTML page containing the API documentation for the given
module to
Write an HTML page containing the API documentation for the given
class to
Write HTML code for a class tree graph of If the given class has any private sublcasses (including recursive subclasses), then two graph images will be generated -- one to display when private values are shown, and the other to display when private values are hidden. |
Write HTML code for a nested list showing the base/subclass relationships between all documented classes. Each element of the top-level list is a class with no (documented) bases; and under each class is listed all of its subclasses. Note that in the case of multiple inheritance, a class may appear multiple times. To Do: For multiple inheritance, don't repeat subclasses the second time a class is mentioned; instead, link to the first mention. |
Write an HTML help file to the given stream. If
Write an HTML page containing the table of contents page for the given module to the given streams. This page lists the modules, classes, exceptions, functions, and variables defined by the module. |
Write an
Write the CSS stylesheet in the given directory. If
Render the HTML chunk of a callgraph. If |
Render the HTML chunk of a callgraph link. The link can toggles the visibility of the callgraph rendered using render_callgraph with matching parameters. |
Generate HTML code for the standard page header, and write it to
Generate HTML code for the navigation bar, and write it to
[ Home Trees Index Help Project ]
Generate HTML for the breadcrumbs line, and write it to
Generate HTML code for a summary table, and write it to
Generate HTML code for a single line of a summary table, and write it
A helper function used to format an argument name, for use in the argument description list under a routine's details entry. This just wraps strong & code tags around the arg name; and if the arg name is associated with a type, then adds it parenthetically after the name. |
Helper function for base_tree.
Render a function signature in HTML.
Render an object name in HTML.
Write HTML code containing descriptions of any standard markup fields
that are defined by the given APIDoc object (such as
Given the name of an inline index item, construct a URI anchor. These anchors are used to create links from the index page to each index item. |
Build the auto-redirect page, which translates dotted names to URLs using javascript. When the user visits <redirect.html#dotted.name>, they will automatically get redirected to the page for the object with the given fully-qualified dotted name. E.g., for epydoc, <redirect.html#epydoc.apidoc.UNKNOWN> redirects the user to <epydoc.apidoc-module.html#UNKNOWN>. |
Return the HTML code for an HREF link to the given target (which can
be a |
Return a list of all subclasses of the given class that are private, as determined by _val_is_public. Recursive subclasses are included in this list. |
TOGGLE_PRIVATE_JSA javascript that is used to show or hide the API documentation for
private objects. In order for this to work correctly, all documentation
for private objects should be enclosed in
GET_COOKIE_JSA javascript that is used to read the value of a cookie. This is used to remember whether private variables should be shown or hidden.
SET_FRAME_JSA javascript that is used to set the contents of two frames at once. This is used by the project table-of-contents frame to set both the module table-of-contents frame and the main frame when the user clicks on a module.
HIDE_PRIVATE_JSA javascript that is used to hide private variables, unless either: (a) the cookie says not to; or (b) we appear to be linking to a private variable.
REDIRECT_URL_JSA javascript that is used to implement the auto-redirect page. When the user visits <redirect.html#dotted.name>, they will automatically get redirected to the page for the object with the given fully-qualified dotted name. E.g., for epydoc, <redirect.html#epydoc.apidoc.UNKNOWN> redirects the user to <epydoc.apidoc-module.html#UNKNOWN>.
METADATA_INDICESA list of metadata indices that should be generated. Each entry in
this list is a tuple
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Fri Jun 13 23:51:45 2008 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |